Saturday, 17 January 2009

The List

Okay, so I'm about to set out in cyber space my hopes/dreams/challenges for the next 2 years and 9 months.
The project becomes live on 18th January 2009, giving me until Sunday 16th October 2011 to achieve everything on the list. It sounds easy enough, but I'm not convinced.

For ease of reading I've broken down my list into a few different sections, but I'm going to tackle the challenges in any order.
Are you ready?:

Home life -
1. Leave the TV off for a whole 24 hours (0/100)
2. Get a portrait painted of Arthur (0/1)
3. Get a cleaner (0/1)
4. Ebay spare wedding bits and pieces (0/1)
5. Cook a 3 course candlelit meal for me and Nick (0/3)
6. Put a new hedge/fence in the front garden (0/1)
7. Fix the back fence and gate (0/1)
8. Get a new door for the small bedroom and hang it (0/1)
9. Get to know our neighbours (0/2)
10. Read the books that have been waiting, instead of buying more. Clear some space on my bedside bookcase (0/1)
11. Have a vase of fresh flowers (0/25)

Me, me, me, me, me -
12. Change my name on my passport and driving lisence (0/2)
13. Get my teeth whitened (0/1)
14. Get a new job (0/1)
15. Volunteer somewhere (0/1)
16. Get a very different haircut (0/1)
17. Write a lifetime list (0/1)
18. Forgive Mum and be nicer about her (not quite sure how to measure this, but it is important)
19. Overcome my phobias (0/2)
20. Get something waxed (0/1)

Health -
21. Loose 49lbs (0/49)
22. Go to the gym (0/101)
23. Be able to do 5k on the treadmill (0/1)
24. Have a chocolate free week (0/3)
25. Eat breakfast every day for a week (0/1)
26. Do a charity walk/run (0/1)
27. Grow my nails (0/1)
28. Do a 24 hour fast (0/1)
29. Be milk free for a fortnight (0/1)

Money -
30. Buy nothing for a whole day (0/30)
31. Put at least £20 a month into savings (0/30)
32. Put £5 into savings for each task I complete, and £10 for each incomplete task (0/101)
33. Use up all of my shampoo before buying more (0/1)
34. Overpay the mortgage by any amount for 6 months (0/6)

Learning -
35. Learn Spanish (0/1)
36. Read 10 non fiction books (0/10)
37. Learn how to eat with chopsticks (0/1)
38. Learn sign language (0/1)
39. Learn the location, capital city and flag of every country in Europe (0/58)
40. Study a map of the world to learn more about where all countries are (0/1)
41. Do another evening class (0/1)
42. Learn more about WW1 (0/1)
43. Learn more about WW2 (0/1)
44. Learn 3 new recipes (0/3)
45. Learn to play chess (0/1)

Travel -
46. Go to a spa (0/1)
47. Ride the London Eye (0/1)
48. Go to Rome (0/1)
49. Go to EuroDisney (0/1)
50. See the Northern Lights (0/1)
51. Go to Venice (0/1)
52. See The Phantom of the Opera, in London's West End (0/1)
53. Go back to Durham with Nick (0/1)
54. Go snorkelling (0/1)
55. Go away somewhere by myself (0/1)

Everything else (AKA "the fun stuff") -
56. Write the plot outline for my book (0/1)
57. Finish writing my book (0/1)
58. Enter 3 writing competitions (0/3)
59. Watch a foreign film (0/1)
60. Go to a wine tasting (0/1)
61. Send a message in a bottle (0/2)
62. Get something published, even if it is just a letter (0/1)
63. Read a book of poetry (0/1)
64. Go to the opera (0/1)
65. Go to the ballet (0/1)
66. Read all of the Patricia Cornwall Scarpetta books in order (0/16)
67. Skinny dip (0/1)
68. Go on a picnic (0/3)
69. Get an item of clothing custom made (0/1)
70. Say yes to 10 things I'd normally say no to (0/10)
71. Visit an art gallery (0/1)
72. Write and send a fan letter (0/2)
73. Send a postcard with postcrossing (0/3)
74. Go to a sporting event (0/1)
75. Have a pychic reading (0/1)
76. Go to a ball (0/1)
77. Go to a fireworks display (0/1)
78. Take a picture of me and Nick once a month (0/30)
79. Get better at scrabble (play 10 games) (0/10)
80. Listen to classical music by 10 compossers (0/10)
81. Pick a favourite piece of classical music (0/1)
82. Paint a picture (0/2)
83. Get abbcfn (I know what this means, but I have to keep it a secret) (0/1)
84. Try belly dancing/ another form of dancing (0/1)
85. Use my Davina workout DVD (0/9)
86. Sign up to be a bone marrow donor (0/1)
87. Get a corset (0/1)
88. Listen to an audio book (0/1)
89. Drive a convertable (0/1)
90. Go to the cinema by myself (0/1)
91. Get on TV (0/1)
92. Enter free competitions (0/50)
93. Make an item of clothing (0/1)
94. Go to book stores, find books I love, write notes to the person who will buy it, and stick them in the books (0/1)
95. Climb a tree (0/1)
96. Make a time capsule including a letter to myself and seal it for 10 years (0/1)
97. Buy an original piece of art from a gallery (0/1)
98. Go to a murder mystery (0/1)
99. Ride a horse (0/1)
100. Write everyones birthdays and addresses in one place (0/1)
101. Take a photo of each 101 achievement (0/101)

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic list there! I look forward to seeing you achieve them :-)
